Financial District Rap

[car horns/city sounds]


Clickety-clack, walkin' down the street.
Business men and women, workin' they feet.
I'm in a rush, and so are you
People keep front-en like they got shit' to do.

And cigarrete smokers, droppin' buts like flies,
Stock market bitches with they material eyes.
It's a race, a fucked-up test to see who will get rich
Stay out my way, I got a 9am sales pitch, bitch.

One time, two times, three times hired
I lied on my resume, said I didn't get fired
Cause I'm sly... a back-stabbing, throat-slitting sinister guy
Be wearin' a tie 'til the day I die.

[car horns/city sounds]

You know Fred, we really need you to think outside the box on this one.


Yes but Ted, we also need to make sure our solution is scalable.

You bitch and complain and you moan and moan,
You're a drone on a phone approving a godamn loan.

Trust me Ron, we've got enough run room and our burn rate is quite low.


Thanks very much John, but I still can't sign off on this until the entire team is onboard.

Trapped in a cage with skyscraper walls
Monkeys and apes, and they got no balls
To break out, and do what they wanna do
Strapped to a life because it pays the bills.



[car horns/city sounds]

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